David Zwirner HK( 22 May~29 June )

■ Information of Exhibition
○ Title : Transforming Photography
○ Artist : Thomas Ruff
○ Date : 22 May~29 June 2019
○ Opening Reception : Wednesday 22 May,6-8PM
○ Venue : 5?6/F, H Queen’s, 80 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
○ Organized : David Zwirner
○ Opening Hours : Tue ~ Sat, 11:00am~ 19:00pm

■ Introduction of Exhibition
David Zwirner is pleased to present work by German photographer Thomas Ruff (b. 1958), on view across two floors of the gallery’s Hong Kong location. The exhibition will provide an overview of the
artist’s prodigious career, ranging from a seminal early series to two bodies of new work that were initiated in 2018,tripeandflower.s.

Ruff rose to international prominence in the late 1980s as a member of the Düsseldorf School, a group of young photographers who studied under Bernd and Hilla Becher at the renowned KunstakademieDüsseldorf and became known for their experimental approach to the medium and its evolving technological capabilities. Ruff, in particular, made a radical break with the style of his teachers, establishing a distinct approach to conceptual photography through a variety of strategies, including
the use of color, the purposeful manipulation of source imagery—originally through manual retouching techniques and eventually through digital methods—and the enlargement of the photographic print to the scale of monumental painting. Working in discrete series, Ruff has since utilized these methods to conduct an in-depth examination of a variety of photographic genres, including portraiture, the nude, landscape, archival, and architectural photography, among others.