[London] Tomoo Gokita

  • 아트조선

입력 : 2019.03.14 09:40 | 수정 : 2019.03.14 09:48

Massimo De Carlo London ( 5th March – 13th April )

Courtesy of Massimo De Carlo, Milan / London / Hong Kong

■ Information of Exhibition

○ Title :Tomoo Gokita 
○ Date : 5th March – 13th April
○ Opening Reception :5th March, 18:00 – 20:00pm
○ Venue : Massimo De Carlo London, 55 South Audley Street, Mayfair, London, W1K 2QH
○ Organized : Massimo De Carlo
○ Artist:Tomoo Gokita
○ Opening Hours : Tue ~ Sat, 10:00am - 18:00pm

Soul 2019 194 cm x 162 cm Courtesy of Massimo De Carlo, Milan / London / Hong Kong

■ Introduction of Exhibition

Tomoo Gokita’s ambitious new selection of paintings is a continuation of his signature style that marries pop-cultural archetypes with surreal, noirish flights of fancy. His artistic vocabulary barrels across illustration, eroticism, abstraction and calligraphy, with a perfect control, velvety surfaces and tonal range that transforms ordinary scenes into a warped and absurd deformities.