[HongKong] Visions in Motion

  • 아트조선

입력 : 2019.03.13 16:07 | 수정 : 2019.03.13 16:26

Puerta Roja ( 27. Feb ~4. May )

/Puerta Roja

■ Information of Exhibition

○ Title : Visions in Motion
○ Date : 27. Feb ~4. May
○ Opening Reception : 27. Feb
○ Venue : Puerta Roja, 1F, SOHO189 Art Lane, 189 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
○ Organized : Puerta Roja
○ Presented:
 Carlos Cruz-Diez
 Javier León Pérez
 Laurent Martin ‘Lo’
 María García Ibañez
 Fernando Prats
 Mariano Ferrante
○ Opening Hours : Tue ~ Sat, 11:00am - 19:00pm

/ Puerta Roja

■ Introduction of Exhibition

Visions in Motion curates a dialogue between artists who have previously exhibited in major solo-shows at Puerta Roja and provides a condensed physical map of the gallery’s development over the last eight years. The exhibition highlights Puerta Roja’s distinctive focus on process driven artistic practices that pursue conceptual and intellectual integrity whilst engaging the viewer through powerful aesthetics. The exhibition also reflects the gallery’s philosophy to juxtapose works by master, mid-career and emerging artists.

/ Puerta Roja